The Demiurg.
Session n°1 from February, 5th -2025 – English version - Original English
and Dutch.
place : Mezza Verde in Belize
Received by Aristoteles and Wivine
Visitor : Universal Censor.
Note Wivine :
In December
2024, a video appeared before my eyes in English that divided humanity into 3
categories and spoke of the Demiurge. Aristoteles, from our group, always
provides me a transcript if I want to translate it into my native language,
Dutch. He is much faster than I am with it.
Nothing ever
presents itself by chance before my eyes that attracts me. So there was
something important in it. As always, I received the transcript within a few
hours and he had read it quickly. Something that does not always happen because
he belongs to a younger generation than me, still very active professionally.
On top of that, we all have our own interests. He thought that the Demiurge in
question had to be Lucifer or one of his entourage. Then a light bursts in my
head. The Demiurge, according to some authors I had read a long time ago, was
not Lucifer, Satan or Caligastia. It was clearly
someone else, even older than Lucifer and his entourage.
I told
Aristoteles about it, who had never heard of him and was curious. Who was this
guy? We then agreed that he would do the research with his spiritual guides. On
one hand, by reading in a guided manner, alternating with regular meditations
to gain a better understanding.
It is an
excellent exercise to receive "Truth" as pure as possible. Anyone can
learn to do it. It is something that can only be learned through practice:
receiving by intuition while learning to distinguish what comes from the
spiritual world and what comes from you. Sometimes alternated with visions
during a meditation. It goes faster with visions, but it is not a necessity. It
allows you to be independent and not to find yourself in dead-end paths.
The end.
EMAIL 30 December 2024 about de Demiurg
These are the summaries of the readings I have accessed:
1. There is an anime called
*Overlord* in which a Demon is presented as the guardian of a place called the
Tomb of Nazarick, referencing a battleground.
Although this is a fantasy setting, I was intrigued by the way its creators
represented it.
2. In Marvel Comics (the famous company that creates superhero fantasies),
the Demiurge is portrayed as a transcendental being, the creator of physical reality, and the father of
deities like Gaea, Set, Oshtur, and others. Again,
although this approach is rooted in fantasy, it raises several questions: where
did they draw their inspiration from? How did they gather information about it?
Why did they introduce a character with such characteristics to the world?
3. From a Platonic perspective,
the Demiurge is a Creator entity of the material
Universe. At this point, I think Plato might have described it based
on the knowledge available at the time. Something that caught my attention
while researching this area was the reference to Platonic solids associated
with the concept of the creation of Earth and the elements.
4. From a Gnostic perspective,
the Demiurge is associated with a malevolent deity named Yaldabaoth. This deity
has a different connotation regarding its role, as it both creates the material world and seeks to trap
souls on Earth to prevent their spiritual progress.
Here, it is also distinguished
from Lucifer, as they are not the
same entity. Additionally, it is connected to the Hebrew God defined within the
framework of the Old Testament.
5. In some Freemasonry Lodges,
there seem to be a connection between what they consider the ‘Great Architect
of the Universe’ and the Demiurge. Apparently, they believe they are the same
My conclusions after everything I have read and meditated on.
I wanted to understand the origin
of the Demiurge since it was not part of my mental map. Around 3.5 billion
years ago, the gaseous cores of the accumulations around the sun began to
condense, leading to the formation of future planets. This event is recorded in
the Urantia Book. This event marked a significant
milestone as it projected the creation of one or more planets in the habitable
In a meditation, it was revealed
to me that these gaseous globes of future planets with the potential to be
habitable were "covered" by Jesus, our
Mother Spirit and the Supreme Being in a creative act, giving rise to the embryo of the Planetary Supreme called Urantia,
in the case of our planet. This embryo would develop alongside the
physical planet itself, experiencing all the physical evolutionary changes
until it became a candidate for life.
The event where the Life Carriers carried out their work occurred
550 million years ago, and as stated in the Urantia
Book, no external life was brought. Instead, the "seeds of life" were created here (likely some form of potential DNA)
and implanted in three locations around the world. However, what happened at
that moment was not just the implantation of these life seeds; they were also
activated or endowed with "life" by our Mother
In addition to this event, it
also marked the birth of the embryo of our Planetary Supreme, which from that
moment began to accumulate all the life experiences from its very beginning. It
is at this point that the manifestation of the Demiurge occurs as a consequence
of the birth of the Planetary Supreme,
serving as a counterbalance to Light. However, Lucifer's
rebellion, along with the failure of
Adam and Eve's mission, caused its power and sphere of influence to
grow. The Demiurge’s sphere of influence should diminish as we approach the
first era of Light and Life,
eventually disappearing completely.
Its growth might explain why a Melchizedek decided
to incarnate on Earth. The confusion about why it is defined as
"Creator" lies in the inability to distinguish the influences of True
Deities from those of the Demiurge.
In Gnosticism it is clearly
distinguished from Lucifer. Since our direct celestial rulers had fallen into
error, with all the confusion that followed, this gave rise to attributing all
evil originating from the Demiurge also to Lucifer and Caligastia.
The increase of the Demiurge’s
influence might explain todays rise of many types of secret societies in
exchange for money and world power, the two world wars, the proliferation of
drug consumption worldwide, and who knows what other consequences, placing
material obstacles in the spiritual progress of humans.
In summary, this Demiurge is
clearly an ancestral enemy that we must confront in some way. How? I don’t
know, but I am sure we will manage with our celestial helpers. If its end was
destined to come with the opening of the first
stage of Light and Life, then it will do everything possible to
avoid disappearing.
I’m not sure if these conclusions
were what you expected, but after all my research, what is clear to me is the
existence of the Demiurge and the need to confront it.
Let me introduce myself. I am a ‘personality’
created by the Paradise Trinity. I
belong to the Paradise judicial community and represent the “Trinity Judgment” in every major judicial matter
where I am needed to proclaim the final judgment of Deity that is without
appeal. This ranges from major trials in the courts of the Ancients of Days, the courts of the 7 Superuniverses, to the
700,000 courts of the local universes that
are located in the Superuniverses. I am not an angel,
neither a superangel, or an archangel. I am a Creature
of Paradise.
What you here call the “demiurge”
is a being who belongs to the Order of Universe
Power Directors, including their associates. They are little known on
earth. It is part of a group of living beings concerned with the control of the
Paradise Force and the regulation of spiritual, morontia, and
material energies, as well as the regulation of all types of mind energies in the Master
They are primordial
creations that work independently to control the universal energies for
and in the creation of the spiritual, morontia, and material worlds.
This Order, with the power
centers, their directors and assistants, were created by descendants of the Infinite Spirit. She gave them their ‘personality’,
commissioned by the Universal Father. They are therefore not in the "circuit of the Father" as are human beings
who receive their ‘personality’ directly from the Father. Therefore they do not
know the Paradise Father as man can know Him if they so desire.
With personality comes
always free will for all Orders
of created creatures, from Paradise Beings to man.
They are highly intelligent,
creative, and function independently to create and prepare all types of worlds
in all the universes, thus also in a local universe.
A Paradise
Creator Son such as Christ Michael
from Nebadon cannot begin the organization
of his local universe until the Power Directors
have sufficiently stabilized the energies of space with morontia worlds,
concrete suns, and material worlds. He needs this as a basis to organize his
future local universe. These creatures are not
under the authority of the Paradise Creator Sons, but they are of great
service to them.
It is such a being who, because
of his free will, decided to withdraw from God. The Father in Paradise did not
exist for him and by withdrawing from God, he closed himself more and more to
the Infinite and Immense Love of God.
Until he finally withdrew here on earth, which he cannot leave and where he
still is. This happened at the beginning of the creation of earth and the
advent of Urantia,
your planetary supreme, earth’s soul. At
first he did not do much harm, but this gradually changed with the arrival of
human souls, angels and other Light beings.
Of course, 200,000 years ago,
with the Lucifer rebellion, the big party
really began. He had business friends and there was occasional cooperation.
The problem for Christ Michael (Jesus), your Paradise Creator Son,
is that the creation of these creatures happened long before the creation and
organization of the Superuniverses with their local
universes and that in those days a decree was declared that the Supreme Power Directors and all their
associates, power directors, assistants, and subordinates were forever exempt
from arrest or interference by any tribunal in all space. In other words, they are
not under the authority or
jurisdiction of the Ancients of Days, the Superuniverse Governments, or the authority of the Creator
Sons of a local universe such as Nebadon in which you live.
This is not the case with the
various Orders created by the Creator Sons and
Creator Daughters of the local universes.
Lucifer, Satan, and
Caligastia, of the Order of Lanonandek
Sons, were created by Christ Michael and your Mother Spirit, as well as all the
angels, morontia creatures, and material sons and
daughters who followed Lucifer into his madness only 200,000 years ago. Those
who participated in this and who were sojourning on earth have been taken away
and are being judged according to their deeds before the courts of your Superuniverse and some before the courts of the Ancients of
As for the “Demiurge,” that was a
matter for the Paradise justice.
So I am here now, in consultation
with Christ Michael (Jesus), to officially inform the “Demiurge” and you, that his
trial is over and Gods judgment has been rendered.
He has lost his war against
Christ Michael and the “Light,” but has not yet completely given up. He now
resembles a general with a diluted army of stubborn soldiers who still have
significant weapons but less and less ammunition, with little hope of resupply.
On the other hand, the army of
the “Light” has arrived. It continues to grow through cooperation of humans
with spiritual power and “Beings of Light” coming from Paradise and Nebadon, against which he and his associates are powerless.
I confirm to you that because of
all these handicaps resulting from all these rebellions, God the Father has
long agreed and confirmed to his Creator Son
- Christ Michael of Nebadon, that a human soul that
has developed on earth, that has chosen to Love God and has served his fellowman
with pleasure and love, receives greater spiritual compensations. Going as far
as exceptional creative powers, similar to those of God, once arrived in
We cannot describe to you the
happiness, the bliss that earthly souls experience upon their arrival on the 1st morontia Mansion World,
even those that acquired only little "light".
It is with great pleasure that I
announced this news to you. We will see each other again. Goodbye.
The end.
Note Wivine: the following session will be about
reincarnation - incarnation of beings of light - original sin -
more explanations of the words in bue, see the Urantia