Reincarnation – Incarnation Light Beings – Original sin

Continuation session nr 1 – 2025 The Demiurge.

Session nr 2 from 12 February 2025 – English translation– Original Dutch.

Place : Mezza Verde in Belize

Received by Wivine.

Visitor : Christ Michael – Creator Son and Supreme Sovereign of Nebadon, your local universe. Better known as Jesus of Nazareth.

Comments from Wivine :

I had several questions that had remained unanswered for a long time. I was born in a Christian Catholic country: Belgium

The original sin of man,

Exists only in Christianity. To free humanity from it, Jesus incarnated on earth and let himself be tortured to finally die on the Roman cross. Thanks to this act, everyone can free themselves from it thanks to the ritual of Christian baptism. Because if a person dies and is not baptized according to this ritual, he cannot go to Heaven.

All this is the fault of Adam and Eve, the so-called first men on earth. Especially on the part of Eve who, in her stupidity, had led Adam into misfortune. This is how the woman became the symbol of the temptation that led the innocent man into the abyss.

It was a horror story that I have never been able to live with. Was it really necessary for the Son of God to go through such a thing to save us from something an innocent baby knows nothing about and has not yet taken a single step? Couldn’t it have been done differently?

As a result, as a child, I turned more to God with whom I developed a strong bond, rather than to Jesus, whom I was slightly suspicious of.

These are questions and dilemmas that a child faces which adults cannot answer until the child has gained knowledge and experience.


So I stayed with God in my heart and the rest – the Vatican and the Christian religion – I put away. Then I started sniffing around, always looking for answers to the questions I had in my spiritual life. Until an east wind blew and some Western authors of the early 20th century started talking about reincarnation. This appealed to me because over time I realized that what the Vatican was proposing, that one had to achieve holiness in a single human life in order to go to Heaven and stand before God in all perfection, was not achievable for the masses, including me. That left only two options: purgatory and hell, apparently for eternity. That couldn’t be it, I felt it in my heart.

So I moved on to reincarnation. Returning to earth as a human being to improve one’s soul until one has broken the cycle of reincarnations and reached blissful Nirvana. That made more sense. Except for the Nirvana stuff, which I found rather hazy.

Until, in the summer of 1998, I read a book on top of a high dune on the North Sea in which Jesus told someone that there was no need to reincarnate, that a human soul could reach the highest spiritual level in a single human life on earth.

Something stirred in my heart, and not a little. I jumped up, looked out at the blue sea and said very solemnly to Jesus:

Jesus, if this is true, I am committed to it. Immediately. Show me the way! I will follow you through thick and thin. Where and how can I be of service as a human being with some flaws, but not so much, to get there?

In the evening, in my bed, I spoke to God and said to Him: Apparently, Jesus is not the worst because if it is true, I will arrive at Your place faster! I was 46 years old at the time and yet I had the impression that my soul was only a child. This did not pose any problem to me, it was a wonderful feeling to be rocked and pampered by Him.

Then my life changed, not easier on the contrary, I had to make more efforts in less time. I put aside the theory of reincarnation in all its facets. True or false? I still don’t know but it has lost its importance. I could achieve it in one life and this life was the one and I had to do it now. The idea that I would have to come back here countless times, forget everything each time and start from scratch, was not so appealing. Besides, I never found this place very pleasant.

Yet many people get stuck in it, and the mere thought that they could not reincarnate makes them sad.

For the readers of The Urantia Book, I would like to point out that I only came into contact with this book in 2008. So 10 years later. And I still have not read it completely. I forget a lot of what I read. So I have to come back to it regularly to get answers that can expand my insight. I have never read it from cover to cover, I always went crisscross through it. I have always resorted to it, and still do, when my spiritual guides want to explain something to me whose information is contained in this book.

I have always been disturbed by the claims of some proud fanatics who have read the Book, even several times, that it would give their soul an advantage. It is a very difficult book to read, written in academic language with a vocabulary describing abstract concepts that are little used, or even unknown to ordinary mortals. Does this mean that academics, university professors and other intellectuals would have an advantage over others to reach Paradise? Is it necessary to belong to such an intellectual elite? Does everything depend on that?

The end.

Christ Michael :

In Nebadon, my celestial kingdom of which I spoke as Jesus, there are millions of planets where human life exists and others are yet to be. Nebadon is a young local universe and is therefore not yet complete.

Your planet is unique in that it has become the scene of the residence of two types of divinely created creatures who have turned away from Me and the Paradise Father. Who have followed their own ideas and therefore had an influence on the development of human souls.

The Demiurge (see Session No. 1-2025) is a being who can control not only spiritual, morontia and material energies, but also the energies of all types of mind. Because of his presence, a very dark fog has formed around the earth in the fourth dimension. Compare this to dirty water through which each embryonic soul created by the Paradise Father must pass in order to implant itself in the fetus of a human being. Therefore a thin layer of this ‘dirty water’ sticks on it.

Each fetus contains in its cells, in its DNA, a code that points to the existence of God to encourage man to seek God within himself. The demiurge could not remove it, neither Lucifer and his acolytes. That is why he placed a kind of jammer in the fetus, which made the “divine code” less effective. He also knows very well how the human mind works, the manipulation of which he masters, as Lucifer and his acolytes were able to do later.

The demiurge wants above all keep man in the material world. He does not like ‘Light Beings’ or people who radiate ‘Light’. They are his enemies.

On the other hand, Lucifer was a direct son of Me and previously had the task of encouraging people to have more love for God and for their fellow men. Which he did until he got it into his head to reject God, to consider God an invention and to refuse my authority. He knew everything better and would prove it. He accepted that souls had to develop spiritually and so many religions and philosophies came from that side. However, he did not consider it necessary for them to develop beyond the earth. So he became the "false prophet" who got involved in many spiritual philosophies, of which there was little or no mention of God because he was the one replacing God.

These two influences, which meet in some areas, are therefore of a different nature. But the result was the same, human souls had difficulty loving each other and believing in a Creator full of Love for them.

Original Sin:

That was the beginning of the story of the original sin that became finally the story of Adam and Eve, the first humans from whom the rest of humanity descended, who failed.

God continually creates new embryonic souls. They are pure from the beginning.

You can understand that an embryonic soul that comes here on earth to nestle in a fetus is handicapped from the start and will have difficulty developing spiritually. This baptism will not change anything. I did not invent baptism, it is something that has been and continues to be practiced in many regions of your world for thousands of years, long before my arrival as Jesus. Usually among young people and adults who want to take an important step in their life to lead a more just life.

My life on earth as Jesus of Nazareth had several purposes.

1) I had to experience a human life to become eventually the Almighty Sovereign of Nebadon—equal with the Paradise Father.

2) To experience physical death like any human being. Then to follow the same path as a human soul, passing through all the morontia worlds of the local universe, all the spiritual worlds of the Superuniverse until arriving before the Paradise Father.

It was not necessary to die on the cross as is described throughout Christianity. It was not necessary to place Jesus on the “Cross” to save souls.

What was needed was to prove to my disciples and evangelists that the soul resurrects from physical dead, that the soul is eternal and not the physical body. Man’s eternal life resides in the morontia and spiritual worlds where his soul can develop further because the physical body disintegrates into thousands of tiny cells after the soul departs.

The symbol of the cross is very old and comes from India. As is the concept of the Trinity.

The crucifixion of man is an ancient esoteric symbol. It has a much deeper meaning than the persecution of a "wise man" by a mob set against him. It is a sign of great renunciation of the animal nature of the human body on the part of an "enlightened" soul who is ready to fuse with his God Fragment.

It symbolizes the attainment of the highest spiritual "status" that a soul can attain during a human life. There have been several great "enlightened" souls in history whose passing was symbolically represented in a similar way.

Millions of Christians have built their faith on this for centuries. Their souls have grown spiritually through this faith. So you will have to be content with this explanation for now.

3) The great event after my passing was "the outpouring of My "Spirit of Truth". The Pentecost event. This was the starting signal for the massive arrival of the experienced and supreme God Fragments that needed “My Spirit of Truth” to get started.

This event can be considered as the spiritual salvation of humanity.

There comes a Paradise Son on each planet to accomplish this when humans are ready to receive him. They are Avonal Sons and it is through them that I pour out “My Spirit of Truth” upon the inhabitants of this planet.

I chose Earth, Urantia, because of the difficulty to accomplishing my 7th bestowal which was to live a human life.

The false teachings of reincarnation.

Since Earth is an experimental planet where changes or improvements can be made, where human souls can fuse with their God fragment in one life, however short that life may be, there is no question of reincarnation.

Each human soul passes after death with much or little “light” it has acquired during its human life. And will continue to evolve spiritually on the 7 nonmaterial Mansion Worlds and then on the morontia worlds until she reaches the first spiritual worlds at Salvington, the headquarters of Nebadon.

If the soul has been able to fuse with her God Fragment, she can continue, leave Nebadon and go to Paradise through the spiritual worlds of the Superuniverse. If not, she will fuse with a Spark of Mother Spirit and evolve towards Light and Life with all of Nebadon.

Who has an interest in making you believe that reincarnation exists? Think.

My enemy has no difficulty in making you believe this. People who believe little in God, who are still very attached to the material life, who have little love for their fellowmen, who have no idea of the beauty and bliss of the morontia worlds as well as the spiritual worlds, are only too willing to return. This belief requires less effort. What we don’t achieve in this life, we will do in the next life. Or not! We will come back once more. Getting into debt to pay back in the next life also existed. It is a belief that makes the soul lazy, very lazy and can be very dangerous for the spiritual progress of a soul.

Earth is a difficult, dangerous planet and yet you can achieve "Enlightenment" in just one life, however short it may be.

Each soul has a personality and therefore also a "free will". When it arrives on the 1st Mansion World with very little "light", it will still find itself in a bliss that it has not known on earth. No soul that arrives on the Mansion Worlds wants to return to Earth. They could theoretically, following their free will, but why would they?

They evolve more easily on the 7 Mansion Worlds.

To those who still want to return to Earth to compensate, we explain in many ways that it is very dangerous, given the dark influences on Earth.

They must then forget everything that happened before. They must start from scratch and, by their nature, will have a very high chance of losing the little light they have accumulated. It would be a disaster. This is why they all choose to remain here with Me.

The doctrine of reincarnation is not without foundation. Each time a human soul leaves one of the Mansion Worlds, it receives a newly adapted morontia body. This continues even after the 7 Mansion Worlds, on the morontia worlds, until it is no longer necessary, after which only adjustments are made.

Incarnation of a ‘Being of  Light’.

What can occur is the “incarnation” of a “Being of Light” who comes from the morontia worlds. These are not human souls from earth. They are “Beings of Light” who have a strong bond of love with The Father. Who have built such love in their hearts that they are willing to sacrifice themselves to help human souls on earth acquire “spiritual light.” They come from various Orders created in the Morontia worlds and are evolving spiritually in Nebadon, your local universe.

These personalities, if they wish, have always been allowed to come once to Earth. They are now spread all over the world and many more are volunteering. They live a normal life in their communities, all go through very hard trials that make them stronger and all believe in God. Their mission is to reach “Enlightenment” as quickly as possible, the status of a God-Man so that God can transmit HIS LOVE to humanity fully and directly through them. They are expected to become channels of transmissions of the immense Love and Power of God.

These “personalities” are given the same status as human souls from Earth. They become like human souls. Their reward is the possibility to fuse with their God Fragment, which they receive after birth, so that they can leave the local universe Nebadon to advance to Paradise where they will join a special corps that will be deployed later.

These creatures have forgotten everything about their origins. They must relearn everything and make the same effort as human souls. No one will ever reveal their origins to them. They will learn it after their death. Some also take on tasks. All these “Light beings” receive a lot of help from the spiritual world. They are never left alone and are strongly protected by their spiritual friends.

Some get lost in the labyrinth of false teachings, do less efforts and might not reach “Enlightenment”, but they will never “fall”. Their spiritual friends protect them from this and their love connection with God is far too high. They will achieve later the fusion with their God Fragment on the 7 Mansion Worlds.


Man is oriented towards the world. This is what he knows and has little interest in life after death. Natural disasters, wars, diseases teach him the temporality of material life. As they grow older, approaching the end of their life expectancy, they slowly withdraw from everyday life. They then begin to wonder what might come next.

Man of ancient times, of long ago, had little love in his heart. So it was decided to act on his mind to make him think about other ways of life and about the existence of God. We can never be compulsive and never are. We suggest and man chooses.

From there were born the closed schools for the initiated. The mystery schools that kept for themselves knowledge that was not intended or could not be understood by an illiterate mass. For the illiterate masses, everything was told in the form of symbols, which were often interpreted literally.

Knowledge is also a power. Hence the emergence of all kinds of secret societies. The oldest dates back +/- 7,000 years and was that of the higher priesthood.

This is how intellectualism was born, that of the highly educated people, who glorified the intellect. It made them arrogant towards ordinary people, sometimes looking down on them with disdain.

A soul that wants to grow can only do so by loving because the power of God is Pure Love and this Pure Love must be achieved in order to reach the status of a God-man on earth. Helpfulness, service in all its forms, benevolence and above all celestial humility are the tools that bring light to a soul. If in addition she opens her heart to God, communicates with God, then everything happens very quickly. Then God can intuitively teach such a person in his heart, providing explanations adapted to the intellect of each one so that man can distinguish true from false. As the individual fills his heart with love for God and his fellowman, without constantly blaming himself because of his mistakes and without placing himself above others, he will reach the status of “enlightenment”.

Accumulating worldly knowledge, how spiritual it may seem, is far from enough. If this is accompanied by a thirst for power and pride, one quickly becomes a plaything for my enemy.

Pride always comes before the fall. Pride, contempt for others, narcissism are feelings that pull a soul down.

There is no better teacher than God who lives in your heart to show you the way to Paradise, to guide you to avoid going astray. You will feel it gradually, intuitively within you. Start with that and it will improve every day.

Be careful of voices in your head, because my enemy also works there and he knows very well how to mislead you. You are safer by listening to your loving heart, a place where my enemies cannot influence you. Know also that the high spiritual teachings penetrate you through chakra 5 and can sometimes be heard softly between your throat and your heart. Later, when you have reached a greater level of Light, when you have created a big impenetrable armor of Light around you, my enemies will have more difficulty manipulating your human mind.

There are very good people who do not believe in a Creator. Who develop a soul with a lot of "light" through their inner goodness during their lifetime. So they will continue to grow on the 7 Mansion Worlds and eventually fuse with their God Fragment to reach Paradise.

God has placed many different types of people on earth, with the same spiritual make-up. He lives in each and every one and He can speak to you through each of them. Even through someone you do not like or hate. Just to teach you a little lesson.

I advise you to never look down on your brothers and sisters or feel a little better than someone else.

Learn to love your enemy or those you consider negatively just as God loves his children. Keep hatred and revenge out of your heart. Even if you are deeply humiliated, stay calm. Put the problem in God's hands, or come to Me. Your momentum will come.

Don't become the evil you want to fight.

Do not worry, I am always here for you. Even though you are growing up on a dangerous and difficult planet, your destiny and spiritual potential are immense.

Urantia became "My planet" and I intend to retrieve all souls created by The Father in Paradise who are still wandering here. None will be lost. Even if there is a dispensation and they cannot move on to the 1st Mansion World, these souls will continue to be purified elsewhere, on other less material, harsher worlds, until they realize that in order to survive, they do better to work together in friendship. They can then move on later to the 1st Mansion World.

My Spirit of truth and the Divine Love that can shine through certain people, as well as all the spiritual influences that have been placed on earth, guarantee this.

I will bring them all home, none will be left behind.

Goodbye, my friends.



For more explanations of the words in blue see The Urantia Book.